Were you brave enough to try question set 004? mark your self

biology answer

            SECTION A
1. C          2. D          3. B           4. B        
5. B         6. C           7. A           8. B 
9. C         10. D 
            SECTION B 
11. Transpiration is the loss of water from the plants' leaves by evaporation. This  can also occur through stems and flowers
(b). Environmental factors that affect the rate of transpiration are:-

  • Temperature of the surrounding air 
  • Humidity of the surrounding air 
  • Pressure of wind 
  • Light intensity 
Experiment to show that a plant trqnspires 
A large transparent polythene bag is tied around the shoot of a potted plant, and the plant is transferred to light.
After a few hours, droplet are seen to form on the bag.
This droplets are collected and tested to see if they are water. Example put the droplets in anhydrous copper sulphate which is white. This will turn to blue, and this confirms these to be drop of water.
Therefore water is given out by a transpiring plant.

In the contol experiment, a similar plant set up as above is used, except the leaves and flowers are removed. Then the set up is left in sunlight for a few hours, there will be no droplets. This shows that there is no transpiration here

contol experiment


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