New biology quiz style with good explanation of the answers, showing your knowledge

Bilolgy questions with wll explained answers
1. Which one of the following statements correctly describes the transcription of DNA?
It produces amino acids
It results in an increased DNA synthesis
It produces messanger RNA
It occurs at the surface of the ribosome

2. Which one of tge following events occurs during telophase of mitosis in the meristematic cells of a root tip?
Cleavage of the cytoplasm
Replication of the centrioles
Replication of the chromosome
Formation of the cell plate

3. The following are mmetabolic processes
(i)synthesis of plasma protein
(ii)regulation of fat metabolism
(iii)storage of vitamin A
(iv)manufacture of digestive enzymes
Which of these are functions of the liver?

(i), (ii) and (iii)
(i), (ii) and (iv)
(i), (ii) and (iv)
(ii), (iii) and (iv)

4. What happens to most of the reduced NADH2 molecules in cell metabolism?
Direct use in the synthesis of starcfrom glucose
Oxidation in mitochondrial ATP formation
Oxidation in the Calvin Cycle
Combination with sulpheric acid as part of the Krebs cycle

5. Which base sequence below will pair with AGU ?

6. Which one of the following would cause phenotypic variation among organisms of the same genotype?
Exposure to different environments
Continouse variation within the species
Different sexes

7. The phylogenetic approach to classification is used because it groups together all animals that show
Analogous structures
Homologous structures
Convergent evolution
Adaptive radiation

8. Which one of the following sequences correctly represents the action of notifying bacteria?
Ammonium -> nitrite -> nitrate
Ammonium -> nitrate ->nitrite
Nitrite -> ammonium -> nitrate
Nitrite ->. nitrate -> ammonium

9. Which one of the following would speed up the phosphorylation of hexose sugar?
A decrease in ADP concentration
A decrease in the concentration of APT
An increase in concentration of phosphorylase
An increase in the concentration of phosphorylated hexosees

10. Changes in the level of carbon dioxide mammalian blood is detected by
Carotid and aortic bodies
Medulla oblongata
Cardio-vascular center

11. Which one of the following may be a result of inbreeding ?
Improved fertility
Accumulation of lethal genes
Increased mutation rate

11. Which one of the following is the main function of the Golgi apparatus in the living cell?
Destruction of worn out cells organelles
Synthesis of cell wall components
Synthesis of protein
Intracellular transport

13.Which of the following methods is most suitable for establishing the population of the paramecium in a pond ?
Capture-recapture method
Total count
Removal sampling
Random sampling

14. Which of the following pairs of proteins is found in skeletal muscle ?
Actin and myosin
Keratin and actin
Myosin and fibrogen
Myosin and collagen

15. The physiological important of the hair-pin counter multiplier system in mammalian kidney is to ensure that
Much water is excreted out through the kidney
Much water is reabsorbed
Glucose in not lost in urine
All urea is excreted in urine

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