Am telling you if you are not good in biology you won't pass this question set 003, check it

question set 003



  • Pick the correct answer.
  • Answer all the questions. 
1. There were many termites in leaf litter layer decomposing it while ant-eaters fed on the termites faster.  This relationship can best be illustrated using 
A. Pyramid of biomass 
B. Food web
C. Food chain 
D. Pyramid of energy

2. Epiphytes are not regarded as parasites because 
A. They do not at any time derive their nutritional requirements from the trees on which they grow 
B. They have roots and leaves and so can make their own food 
C. They never harm the trees on which they grow 
D. Both the epiphytes and the trees on which they grow mutually benefit from on another

3. Secondary thicknening in flowering plants is brought about by division of the 
A. Phloem cells 
B. Cambium cells 
C. Xylem cells 
D. Cortex cells

4. The term used to describe the process in changes in types of organisms in a given location is known as 
A. Competition 
B. Habitat
C. Food chain 
D. Succession

5. Which one of the following body activities occur during cold weather ?
A. Sweat production increases 
B. Blood capillaries dilate 
C. Spasmodic contraction of muscles occur 
D. More blood flows into the siface of the skin

6. A tendon is 
A. A tissue joining bone to bone 
B. A tissue joining bone to muscle 
C. A tissue joining muscle to muscle 
D. A point where two bones meet

7. A mosquito larva breathes by means of 
A. Spiracles              B. Gills 
C. Segments             D. Nostril

8. In vertebrates the joint between an axis and atlas vertebrae is known as 
A. Ball and socket joint 
B. Hinge joint 
C. Pivot joint 
D. Gliding

9. Which one of the following chromosomal changes results in the loss of genetic materials?
A. Duplication           B. Inversion 
C. Translocation       D. Deletion

10. In higher flowering plants the first male gamete fuses with 
A. Polar nucleus        B. Synergid nucleus 
C. Secondary nucleus    D. Egg nucleaus

11. The addition on humus to a sandy soil will 
A. Decrease the capillarity of the soil 
B. Improve the water retention of soil 
C. Increase the aeration of soil 
D. Decrease its mineral content

12. In cattle, the gene for hornless is dominant to the gene for horns (gene P and  p respectively ). If a bull and a cow with genotypes Pp are crossed, what percentage of the offspring would be expected to have horns. 
A. 25%       B. 50%    C.  75%   D. 100%

13. Antigens stimulate the production of 
A. Antibodies        B. Antioxins 
C. Leucocytes       D. Lysins

14. Animal X has the following dentition 
I 0/3      C 0/1   PM 3/3    M 3/3
What type of feeder is animal X?
A. Omnivore             B. Carnivore 
C. Herbivore             D. Filter feeder

15. The hormone that is responsible for the conversion of glycogen to glucose in the liver is 
A. Secretine                  B. Thyroid 
B. Adrenaline                D. Insulin

16. Give all the genotypes of offspring from a father and a mother of blood group  A and AB 
A.  All AB                         B. 3AB:1AO 
C. 1AO:2AB:1BO          D. 2AA:1AO:1AB:2BO

17. Which of the following reactions is likely to occur when a donor of blood group A is transfused with a recipient of blood group B?
A. Antibody a reacts with antigen B 
B. Antigen B reacts with antibody b 
C. Antibody b reacts with antigen A 
C. Antigen A reacts with antigen B

18. A healthy person normally has a concentration of 600 leucocyte per cm3  of blood. A person who has just recovered from illness would be expected to have 
A. 2000 per cm3               B. 3000 per cm3  
C. 6000 per cm3               D. 12, 000 per cm3

19. One of the major functions of vitamin C in the human body is 
A. To provide resistance against disease 
B. To provide resistance against blood cells 
C. To add bulk to food eaten 
D. To increase rate of heart beat

20. Which one of the following structures separates the nucleoplasm from cytoplasm?
A. Plasma 
B. Plasma membrane 
C. The cell wall 
D. The nuclear membrane 

…………THE END…………


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