
Do you like checking your answers instantly? here biology set 006

Biology Quiz Question set 006 And Answers please note that this blog runs on advertisement, you will get a maximum of three adverts per visit. It helps the blog to run. Thanks enjoy your study The questions will be changed everyday. So Visit frequently for new questions. Question 1. Which one of the following groups of animals possesses an open circulatory system ? amphibians Insects Mammals Fish Question 2. A population in equilibrium would be characteristic of a natura community in which Pioneer organisms are increasing rapidly Migration is increasing rapidly The pyramid of energy has been reversed Succession has reached a climax Question 3. The rate of glomerular filtration is highest in Man Amphibians Fresh water fish Marine fish Question 4. A person with blood group A can be transfused with blood of group A only group AB only group A and O group B and AB Question 5. In which of the following tissues does mitos

Are you a biology student or you want the learn biology? this biology quiz is best for you

Please enable JavaScript to access this page. Biology question test set 008 A Biology questions and answers best for biology students and those who are interested in learning biology. You got three (3) minutes to attempt all the 15 questions. You can check your score and the correct answers from the button below. Please post your score in the comment box below. Thanks You might want to check Biology question set 007 Biology question set 005 1. It is known that a lactating mother may suffer from the weakning of teeth and bone. Which vitamin and minerals would she need to correct this condition ? vitamin K, iodine and phosphorus vitamin C, phosphorus and calcium vitamin A, calcium and iron vitamin D, phosphorus and calcium 2. The organism in a food chain that releases materials for re-use by green plants is called decomposer secondary consumer primary consumer primary producer 3. Green plants produce less carbon dioxide during the day because the rate of r

New biology quiz style with good explanation of the answers, showing your knowledge

Bilolgy questions with wll explained answers MULTIPLE CHOICE BIOLOGY QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS 1. Which one of the following statements correctly describes the transcription of DNA? It produces amino acids It results in an increased DNA synthesis It produces messanger RNA It occurs at the surface of the ribosome 2. Which one of tge following events occurs during telophase of mitosis in the meristematic cells of a root tip? Cleavage of the cytoplasm Replication of the centrioles Replication of the chromosome Formation of the cell plate 3. The following are mmetabolic processes (i)synthesis of plasma protein (ii)regulation of fat metabolism (iii)storage of vitamin A (iv)manufacture of digestive enzymes Which of these are functions of the liver? (i), (ii) and (iii) (i), (ii) and (iv) (i), (ii) and (iv) (ii), (iii) and (iv) 4. What happens to most of the reduced NADH2 molecules in cell metabolism? Direct use in the synthesis of starcfrom glucose Oxidation in mitochondrial ATP format

You will love this biology test format, do quiz, check your answers instantly. set 007

Biology questions set 007 Please enable JavaScript to access this page. Biology learning, questions with instant checking of the answers The questions are changed every two days, please visit regularly for new questions. Enjoy your biology study !!! 1. An athlete has just finished a race. The phrase "oxygen debt " refers to the amount of oxygen originally present in the muscles of the athlete before the race the amount of oxygen taken in after the race and used to complete the combustion of some of the lactic acid the total amount oxygen taken in during panting after the race the amount of oxygen needed by the lungs after the race for combustion of glucose

Biology: Have you been told anything about virus ? find out

Biology note A detailed insight on virus  A virus is a biological agent that reproduces inside the cells of living hosts. When infected by a virus, a host cell is forced to produce thousands of identical copies of the original virus an extraordinary rate .  There are various types of viruses in the world, As a representative of viruses, T2 Phage is itroduced here with its importance.  Test your self with these biology questions  biology question set 005 biology question set 004   Structure of virus: T2 Phage is a cellular. Its body is divided into two parts- head and tail; the head is a hexagonal and the tail is rod shaped, a protein shell surrounds the body. Inside the shell there is a' double-strand DNA in its head. At the upper end of the tail there is a collar, and at the lower end there is a base plate, some spikes and attachment fibres. In Viruses there is no nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm and other organelles. Multiplication of virus Viruses can multiply only inside som

what makes biology very easy ?test your knowledge with these question set 005

              Biology question set 005 See  biology question set 004        Biology question set 003 Instructions: The set consist of section A and B. You can post the answers in comment box below.  Questions   SECTION A From which of the following region of the body would you find  vertebrae with less developed centra? A. Thoracic B. Lumbar C. Cervical D. Sacral 2.  If a microscope eye piece has a number ×10 written on itcand objective lens has a number ×45 written on it,  the magnification will be  A. 4.5          B. 10        C. 45      D. 450 2. Which one of the following statements is true ? A. Motor neurons transmit impulses from spinal cord to brain  B. Motor neurons transmit impulses from central nervous system to effectors of the body C. Motor neurons transmit impulses from effectors of the body to the central nervous system. D. Motor neurons are found only in the central nervous system.  3. Which one of these represents the route taken by urine in a mammal? A. Collecting tubu

Were you brave enough to try question set 004? mark your self

ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS SET 004               SECTION A 1. C          2. D          3. B           4. B         5. B         6. C           7. A           8. B  9. C         10. D  See   question set 003 Answers to question set 003             SECTION B  11. Transpiration is the loss of water from the plants' leaves by evaporation. This  can also occur through stems and flowers (b). Environmental factors that affect the rate of transpiration are:- Temperature of the surrounding air  Humidity of the surrounding air  Pressure of wind  Light intensity  Experiment to show that a plant trqnspires  A large transparent polythene bag is tied around the shoot of a potted plant, and the plant is transferred to light. After a few hours, droplet are seen to form on the bag. This droplets are collected and tested to see if they are water. Example put the droplets in anhydrous copper sulphate which is white. This will turn to blue, and this confirms these to be drop of water. Therefore water is gi